Friday, January 8, 2021


Monday, August 31, 2020

 To the readers.

A brief note. Before I begin this post I wish to relate the following factual story.

July 13th. 2018.

I am presently on a bicycle pedalling ride to thunder bay  ontario from sudbury ontario.
I begin bicycle ride at sudbury train station.

Aw yes.

Started in sudbury on July 3rd.

On high way 17. Ontario obviously .
On that note 

Mostly the weather has been sunny and hot but basically lovely to this point...
On this bicycle pedal ride...

On july 13th I woke up at approximately 8 30 am.
I had slept in an abandoned shack.
Near marathon ontario.

I began pedalling .

Weather is great.

Goes up to plus 30 celcius.

Seems like things are kosher there...

The whole morning is wonderful.

I make about 45 kilometers.

Weather great.

Then" around 12: 45 p.m" I notice something.

A coldness in the air.

The weather temperature appears to be dropping....

I soon discover it is.
In about ten minutes i"m amazingly pedalling my bicycle in a white out.
Its snowing hard.

On july 13th.

In ontario.

This is unheard of.
In ontario.

As far as I know.


A half an hour before it's a blizzard , I was riding in plus 30 degrees.
That very same hour.

How did the weather change so dramatically?
In less then a half an hour approximately?

It continues to snow rather heavy.
I'm in a white out.

I can barely see ten feet in front of me.
I'm in the middle of no where.

Lake superior on one side.
Desolate wilderness and rocks on the other.

And I'm dressed in just a pants and muscle shirt.

The weather temperature has dropped to about minus ten..

What do I do?

This actually happened.

I saw it with my own eyes...

So I make a decision to keep on pedalling my bicycle... 

Though it was freezing.
And I wasnt dressed for the cold.

I had to..
I didnt have any coat with me...
And there was no stores or even houses in sight.

No place to buy a donut.

Such as at timmy hortons.

For example...

So on that note " in continuing this factual story of mine" which I'm relating here
I pedal on for about ten to 15 more minutes.

And then lucky for me the snowing stopped.

But then something else weird occurred.
Regarding weather .
It started to pour rain.
Rather hard.
Almost to the point of hail.

Yet ""at the same time the rain was pouring down"""

The sun was out full tilt.

Extremely bright in fact.
I didnt know what to do.

So i continue to ride.
Til """ 15 minutes later' the taining hail stops and it becomes nice and sunny again.

In about ten minutes its clearly hot out again..


These weather phenomenons all occurred in about less then an hour and 15 minutes about.

On that note i have a question..

What's that?

Anyone born and raised in ontario canada knows full well that type of weather simply does not occur in ontario.
In july.
That never happens.
To most people in canada.

Usually it never happens.

It's extremely bizarre if it does.

As far as i know it's never happened to anyone else.
The extreme change in temperature i went through.
I mean.

I mean,,,, come on?

One second Its plus 30 celcius.

In ten minutes it drops in temperature to minus 10?
And im in a white out?

Then about ten minutes later im in a rain storm?
With the sun full tilt?
But the rain is basically totally hail?
And painful?

And that lasts for another 15 minutes about...?

Then the temperature goes back up to about plus 33???


All in just over 40 minutes?



What's that?

What happened there?

Did I hit an ontario twilight zone?

Or something?

I mean' seriously?

What happened there?

Any takers to that question?

The rest of my trip was nice by the way.
Weather wise.
Nothing weird.
The whole trip.
Straightway to August 2nd.
When I went home.


What gives?

In july in ontario it's supposed to be warm and about 25 to 30 degrees.
That's summer's hottest month.
In ontario.
It never snows.
Or it's never a white out..  

Let's think now.

Did that happen..
I'll assure you" no one ever told me it would snow like that in july.

In ontario.

Most people would say that's impossible.
In july.
In ontario.

But it happened.

I saw it with my own eyes..

What happened there?
I'm just curious.
On that note?

Can anyone answer me.?
On that question?
I just thought I'd mention that.


Just for records  sake.

On that note I now continue this bicycle website by addressing the followinwonderful information..  

FOR THE READER. Despite a few untimely over lapping glitches

I now place here
 A further  INTRODUCTion to riding bikes in this website.

With conversations I have engaged in with various individuals regarding the concepts to riding a bicycle in today's human societies.

Beginning with the following information addressed.

Measuring bicycle riding abilities.

Incidentally" the bicycle ride to cambridge ontario started at 6 30 am and finished at 11: 45 am.🌋

8th time I've accomplished a two hundred kilometers bicycle ride.
Only pedalling.
With no engine.

There not exactly easy.

That is true.
But I'm wondering if people realize that truth.

I've done probably around " at least 100 to 150 bicycle rides of 100 kilometers or more in one day.

Their not easy.
Maybe sometimes I get them done without trouble.
But even the 100 kilometer rides arent really easy.

Imagine doubling that number in a bike ride?

I've done it " for real" 8 times.

Just evaluating facts.

And human abilities.

On Sun., Aug. 30, 2020, 3:10 p.m. james coelusouraoursss, <> wrote:
Thus far, this year I've accomplished 3 pedal bicycle rides of 200 kilometers or more.

Listed as follows.

In 2020

1st ride.
I bicycled to wingham ontario  and then  back to london ontario on may 31st. 2020.
213.7 kilometers. Total mileage.

6 am to 11 30 pm.

That pedal ride

Broke my former record of 210.5. Kilometres pedalled.

Set on a bicycle ride to Thames Ford and then  woodstock ontario 'then to Stratford ontario then to st..marys ontario; then back to london ontario..
Then back to Thames Ford   ontario.. Then onwards  back to london.
On september 7th 2019.


Now for the 
2nd ride. . I've done This year. Meaning 2020.
I bicycled to goderich ontario  and then on  back  to london ontario on June 20th  2020 .
7 am to 12 midnite.

201 kilometers total mileage .
Chaotic winds coming back.
Plus a flat tire.
.or I suspect I would have crushed my record of 213.7 kilometers.


Anyways now for the 3rd bicycle pedal ride that reached over 200 kilometres .

Regarding this year.
Meaning  2020..
Then I bicycled to cambridge ontario  and then back to london ontario on August 19th 2020.
Then around london near  springbank park.
Total mileage
215. 5 kilometers.

Breaks the old record set on may 31st of this year.

I meant to say " I finished the cambridge ride at 11: 45 pm.

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I know my boss is friends with some guys over in Europe who cycle competitively.  And he told me they will log 200 or so kmh on daily basis.
So you are on par with these guys. Although they do it in less time since they are professionals. 
But its an impressive feat my friend. Keeps you healthy.

From: james coelusouraoursss <>
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2020 11:28:35 PM
To: S.D. Osborne <>
Subject: Re: hey shaun: what's up man. I'm probably gonna go to the gym. I quess. Anyways.just Analysing bike facts for today.
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I know bikes " quite well" shaun.

And I say this.

The norco bike I have is basically an above average bicycle.
It's okay.

But its " by far" not the best bicycle in the world.

By far..

Also" in most of these rides I've no real bicycle trail.

And in most cases ; im always carrying weight.

Pro bicycle riders have much better bicycles usually.

And they have clear terrain with no car traffic.

And also their not carrying weight.

I carry a lot of weight on these rides I do.

Give me" just one time" a pro bicyclists bike.
Like lance Armstrong.

Or someone like that.

I bet you if I had those advantages that pro bikers do I bet I'd make 400 kilometers in a day.

I'm sure of it.

Ontario bicycle conditions and  terrain too is a bit different then bike riding in Europe.

You give me the flat terrain and the mild winds in Europe?

I'm certain I'd make 400 kilometers in a day.
I admit" it has to be those conditions.

But if I had the conditions pro bicyclists have " my quess is I'd beat them.

By quite a margin.

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My point?
My senescent sensei.

I've done these 8 individual 200 kilometer bicycle  rides in basically only one day  at major disdadvantages to me that I seriously question whether a pro rider in Europe could over come.

On Bicycles with far less over all  abilities then the bikes  pro bicyclists use continually.

No disrespect.

I'm just stating the facts.

Anyways" shaun; I came accross one of my letters I sent to a friend named bill.
During my bicycle ride to thunder bay .

It's kind of a cute bike story.

And I think you'll enjoy it.

So I'm copying and pasting it for you here.



It's kind of funny.

About the craziness of money.
And how money controls everything bro

(no subject)

james coelusouraoursss <>

Thu, Jul 26, 4:42 PM
to grantblakeharris

james coelusouraoursss <>

4:27 PM (13 minutes ago)
to Angeltruth
. except for the fact i got a few flat tires in the front tire recently. while riding around thunder bay ONTARIO...


 trying to figure out if i should continue this ride this year or wait til i have a bit of money saved up. aw yes. a flat tire in the front of the bike is whaT I GOT AGAIN. which is making me wonder if their is a problem with the front axel of the bike.

james coelusouraoursss <>
4:21 PM (2 minutes ago)
to Bill

here is an interesting true story. you may laugh at, bill.
located below.

tire tubes and the sweet governments of earth. connected to the following.

i am now going to tell you all a true story.
worded as follows.
ya know, once upon a time, on this planet, a short time back, i went to a store called zellers to purchase two tubes for my bicycle, i owned at that time.

nothing special about that story. except for this.

the pakage the tire tubes came in said ''tubes WILL NOT GO FLAT.'''
and ya know what?

in the time i had that bike, for the next two years, before some idiot stole it in downtown london ontario canada, the tire tubes never once went flat.

so, i went to buy that type of tube again at the same store, after i bought another bicycle.

and do you know what the store attendant told me?

he said that company did not make those tubes anymore.

because they we're benefiting bicyclists to much.

and earths authorities we're complaining to that company that they shouldn't help bicyclists that much.

earths authorities wanted bicyclists to have trouble in other words.

and then pay money to get out of trouble.

regarding bicycles.

and getting flat tubes.

in other words the store attendant was telling me that earths authorities want people to have trouble when it comes to bikes.

so people cannot ride bikes.

and then be forced to drive cars instead.

so earth can be polluted to hell and back through modern technology.

and since bikes do not pollute earth, earths authorities could not allow a bicycle tube to be on the market that never goes flat.

because then earths authorities would not make money.

and earths authorities, including bicycle companies, passinately love devilish money above helping people.

that is what this store attendantr told me when i went to buy this type of tube again for another bike of mine in this life.

he said earths authorities, including bicycle companies, took that tube off the market.

because it benefited bicyclists too much.

and earths authority figures didn't want people who ride bicycles to benefit like that, through such tire tubes.

because then, in summary, earth will not be polluted and destroyed.
welll, that is totally goofy  on the part of such earthly authority figures'''' i said.

tattoo psalm 149; verses 5-9 accross your foreheads yoy goofy earthly authority figures. bite me.
thank you.
in truth.
ta ta and touche.

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Actually the guys who train for the Tour De France ride in places like Scotland. Its all hills buddy. I saw them when I was over there.
Don't get too full of yourself buddy. 

From: james coelusouraoursss <>
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2020 12:57:19 AM
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I'd like to try one of their bikes.
Even if it is hills.

Have you ever drove highway 17.?

Their not hills.

Their mountains.
Some of those
Mountains on highway 17 are 7 miles long.

It's all mountains.
Not hills.
I didnt stop.
On a crappy bike.

With a lot of weight on my back.

And I'd bet anybody else" riding a frappy bike like that" with all that freaking weight" would have stopped riding.

I didnt.

I grit my teeth and finished a very difficult terrain.
In just over two weeks.
I pedalled on a technically worthless bicycle 1000 kilometers.

In 15 days.
Without really much trouble.
I did it.

I even pedalled 127 kilometers from nigabon to thunder bay .
Starting at 8 am.

I got to thunder bay at 9 pm.
From nigabon..
On a slow flat.

I pedalled a bicycle 117 kilometers on a flat.
Because I was determined.
If I'm that determined' on the craopy bikes I've done these rides 
Imagine how fast I could do it " on a good bike.
And these pros have bikes way better rhen any bike ive ever ridden.
The point.
And I did these rides carrying lots of weight.
And i mean lots of weight.

These pros never carry lots of weight.
No where near what I've done.
Their not used to it 
Carrying that much weight alone is a factor.
Not to mention the other things I just mentioned.

The terrain on highway 17 is probably way worse then anything Scotland has to offer.
You give me one time I can ride a good bike like they do.
With no weight.
I bet I'd ride up Mount Everest.
If their was a path.

That's my point.
Reduce the weight.
Give me that ad vantage.

Just once.
I'm positive I'd make 400 kilometers.
Could they?

Show quoted text
Abd I rode 117 .7 kilometers on a flat.
Beginning at 8 in the morning.
On julyb19th.
From nigabon ontario.
All the way to thunder bay.
I Pedalled on a flat tire.

That's funny.
I did that.

I wonder if that's a record.

Show quoted text

And I rode 117 .7 kilometers on a flat.
Beginning at 8 in the morning.
On julyb19th.
From nigabon ontario.
All the way to thunder bay.
I Pedalled on a flat tire.

That's funny.
I did that.

I wonder if that's a record.
Show quoted text
My blessed friend.
One last thing.

I love you man.

Thanks for tolerating me.

But I just gonna say one more thing.

The last seven days of my trip to thunder bay on highway 17 consisted of  brutal mountains.

Yet" I did seven straight days of 100 kilometers or more.

While carrying lots of weight on those 7 trips.

The first day alone I didnt hit a convenience store even.
For a hundred and 11 kilometers.

Anyways" that's a summary of my last seven days biking to thunder bay.

Up and down mountains.
Not hills.
On a crappy bike.

I didnt do any 200 kilometer rides on my bike trip to thunder bay though.
But yeah.
I did
7 straight 100 kilometer rides.
To finish off the trip.

And the last one was on a flat.


My 200 kilometer bike rides have all occurred in this area.

Ya know, shaun?

Come to think of it; 

On top of the weight.
And all the other disadvantages I have" compared to the pros out there'
Who have way better bikes and much more money to do these rides then I do theres also this.

Every 200 kilometer ride I've accompished" so far, in one day in my life, to this point ; has also consisted of some mean hills all through the rides.


That too is a factor to note.

Every 200 kilometer I've done consisted of some pretty good hills.

With the crappy bikes and the weight?

And I still made 200 kilometers?

8 times?

In one day?
8 different rides.
So far?
On crappy bikes.
With no money.

And carrying lots of weight?
I still did 200 kilometers.
8 times.

The pros dont have those disadvantages.

Could they make even 200 kilometers.
If they were faced with similar circumstances?
I did.
That obviously means I could do more if I didnt have such disdadvantages set against me.
That's something to consider.
Right shaun?

Dont you think?

My quess?

I'd easily do 300.kilometres.
Maybe even 400 kilometers.

If I had the situation pros have.

Hide quoted text

On Mon., Aug. 31, 2020, 1:35 a.m. james coelusouraoursss, <> wrote:
Abd I rode 117 .7 kilometers on a flat.
Beginning at 8 in the morning.
On julyb19th.
From nigabon ontario.
All the way to thunder bay.
I Pedalled on a flat tire.

That's funny.
I did that.

I wonder if that's a record.

On Mon., Aug. 31, 2020, 1:32 a.m. james coelusouraoursss, <> wrote:
I'd like to try one of their bikes.
Even if it is hills.

Have you ever drove highway 17.?

Their not hills.

Their mountains.
Some of those
Mountains on highway 17 are 7 miles long.

It's all mountains.
Not hills.
I didnt stop.
On a crappy bike.

With a lot of weight on my back.

And I'd bet anybody else" riding a frappy bike like that" with all that freaking weight" would have stopped riding.

I didnt.

I grit my teeth and finished a very difficult terrain.
In just over two weeks.
I pedalled on a technically worthless bicycle 1000 kilometers.

In 15 days.
Without really much trouble.
I did it.

I even pedalled 127 kilometers from nigabon to thunder bay .
Starting at 8 am.

I got to thunder bay at 9 pm.
From nigabon..
On a slow flat.

I pedalled a bicycle 117 kilometers on a flat.
Because I was determined.
If I'm that determined' on the craopy bikes I've done these rides 
Imagine how fast I could do it " on a good bike.
And these pros have bikes way better rhen any bike ive ever ridden.
The point.
And I did these rides carrying lots of weight.
And i mean lots of weight.

These pros never carry lots of weight.
No where near what I've done.
Their not used to it 
Carrying that much weight alone is a factor.
Not to mention the other things I just mentioned.

The terrain on highway 17 is probably way worse then anything Scotland has to offer.
You give me one time I can ride a good bike like they do.
With no weight.
I bet I'd ride up Mount Everest.
If their was a path.

That's my point.
Reduce the weight.
Give me that ad vantage.

Just once.
I'm positive I'd make 400 kilometers.
Could they?

On Mon., Aug. 31, 2020, 1:17 a.m. S.D. Osborne, <> wrote:
Actually the guys who train for the Tour De France ride in places like Scotland. Its all hills buddy. I saw them when I was over there.
Don't get too full of yourself buddy. 

From: james coelusouraoursss <>
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2020 12:57:19 AM
To: S.D. Osborne <>
Subject: Re: hey shaun: what's up man. I'm probably gonna go to the gym. I quess. Anyways.just Analysing bike facts for today.
I know bikes " quite well" shaun.

And I say this.

The norco bike I have is basically an above average bicycle.
It's okay.

But its " by far" not the best bicycle in the world.

By far..

Also" in most of these rides I've no real bicycle trail.

And in most cases ; im always carrying weight.

Pro bicycle riders have much better bicycles usually.

And they have clear terrain with no car traffic.

And also their not carrying weight.

I carry a lot of weight on these rides I do.

Give me" just one time" a pro bicyclists bike.
Like lance Armstrong.

Or someone like that.

I bet you if I had those advantages that pro bikers do I bet I'd make 400 kilometers in a day.

I'm sure of it.

Ontario bicycle conditions and  terrain too is a bit different then bike riding in Europe.

You give me the flat terrain and the mild winds in Europe?

I'm certain I'd make 400 kilometers in a day.
I admit" it has to be those conditions.

But if I had the conditions pro bicyclists have " my quess is I'd beat them.

By quite a margin.

On Mon., Aug. 31, 2020, 12:19 a.m. S.D. Osborne, <> wrote:
I know my boss is friends with some guys over in Europe who cycle competitively.  And he told me they will log 200 or so kmh on daily basis.
So you are on par with these guys. Although they do it in less time since they are professionals. 
But its an impressive feat my friend. Keeps you healthy.

From: james coelusouraoursss <>
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2020 11:28:35 PM
To: S.D. Osborne <>
Subject: Re: hey shaun: what's up man. I'm probably gonna go to the gym. I quess. Anyways.just Analysing bike facts for today.
I meant to say " I finished the cambridge ride at 11: 45 pm.

On Sun., Aug. 30, 2020, 3:43 p.m. james coelusouraoursss, <> wrote:
Measuring bicycle riding abilities.

Incidentally" the bicycle ride to cambridge ontario started at 6 30 am and finished at 11: 45 am.🌋

8th time I've accomplished a two hundred kilometers bicycle ride.
Only pedalling.
With no engine.
There not exactly easy.

That is true.
But I'm wondering if people realize that truth.

I've done probably around " at least 100 to 150 bicycle rides of 100 kilometers or more in one day.

Their not easy.
Maybe sometimes I get them done without trouble.
But even the 100 kilometer rides arent really easy.

Imagine doubling that number in a bike ride?

I've done it " for real" 8 times.

Just evaluating facts.

And human abilities.

On Sun., Aug. 30, 2020, 3:10 p.m. james coelusouraoursss, <> wrote:
Thus far, this year I've accomplished 3 pedal bicycle rides of 200 kilometers or more.

Listed as follows.

In 2020

1st ride.
I bicycled to wingham ontario  and then  back to london ontario on may 31st. 2020.
213.7 kilometers. Total mileage.

6 am to 11 30 pm.

That pedal ride

Broke my former record of 210.5. Kilometres pedalled.

Set on a bicycle ride to Thames Ford and then  woodstock ontario 'then to Stratford ontario then to st..marys ontario; then back to london ontario..
Then back to Thames Ford   ontario.. Then onwards  back to london.
On september 7th 2019.


Now for the 
2nd ride. . I've done This year. Meaning 2020.
I bicycled to goderich ontario  and then on  back  to london ontario on June 20th  2020 .
7 am to 12 midnite.

201 kilometers total mileage .
Chaotic winds coming back.
Plus a flat tire.
.or I suspect I would have crushed my record of 213.7 kilometers.


Anyways now for the 3rd bicycle pedal ride that reached over 200 kilometres .

Regarding this year.
Meaning  2020..
Then I bicycled to cambridge ontario  and then back to london ontario on August 19th 2020.
Then around london near  springbank park.
Total mileage
215. 5 kilometers.

Breaks the old record set on may 31st of this year.

So much for that conversation.

With shUn.

Now I proceed to address a conversation I had with a ron johnson in this life.

Regarding my bicycle rides I've engaged in.

Worded as follows.

In a conversation I had with this fine fella I was discussing my recent bicycle rides.

 So I says to ton, I says " I pedalled a bicycle 215 kilometers in one day ron.

And ron freaks!

He just freaks !

And he screams; "" i"m gonna kills ya kerry!!!" 

Because I'm sinfully jealous!!!"""

And then all hell broke loose!!

We had it out.

And danced around.

We might have even did the HOOPLAH.

I think.

But after it was all over we became friends again.

And had a beer together.

With carrots on the side.

Ooo the wonders of friendship!

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